Turn things around in a jiffy, make something good…

A family issue a few days ago triggered the negative switch in my brain, you know, low-level thinking… and it was beginning to consume me… taking up too much time and I already threw up from anxiety. People want me to always follow their rules of conduct. I don’t have the required patience to tolerate bubble-heads because I can’t UN-know or UN-see the truth. Fine if you want to live in your dream world… just don’t include me… and this rant must stop NOW! I’m not going down this road again…

An hour later:

I took the negative energy building and turned it into producing something good. I made chocolate biscuits. I feel better. Hmmm, my food shots are boring, another project for later… back to RE-everything…


A wee bit burnt because I started to blog…

Recipe to follow…

Living Authentically.

About Anjanette

I'm a free-spirit... Reiki is my way of life... but I also love the 80's, music, art, travel, fashion, tarot, astrology, numerology, yoga, home stuff... and encouraging others. Blogging, photography, and baking bread are my creative outlets... Life isn't always easy for me... but I'm here...
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2 Responses to Turn things around in a jiffy, make something good…

  1. McVeggy says:

    Love this! And could SOOO use one of these things to eat right now — due to stress yes.

    LOVE this line: (and note: I am doing this right now and have been for the last several to nearly 24 hours. Yes. Damn. “triggered the negative switch in my brain, you know, low-level thinking…. beginning to consume me.”

    LOVE THAT. Could use that on a T!

    triggered the negative switch in my brain, you know, low-level thinking… and it was beginning to consume me… taking up too much time and

    • Tacey B. says:

      Ah thanks! Use it on a tee! I realized that I have to be smarter… the situation won’t change, so my reaction HAS to or else I’m forever going to be angry… instead I’ll blog, bake, dance…

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