About me/blog

I am a New Yorker, a native Brooklynite…. Diversity and acceptance is all I know. Always the odd girl out…. following the rules feels like being confined in a straight jacket (restrictive) or like eating meatloaf (torturous). My mind races with a thousand thoughts a minute…… Like a sponge, I absorb everything, for better or for worse. My mission is dismantling harmful beliefs and expunging the negativity from my brain. Change starts with inner peace, verdad?

ABOUT BLOG: Sometimes I wonder if my blog should be calledShe Said What? Rambles and Obsessions from the Contradictory Mind. I write about whatever topic as it surfaces….. the minutiae of life, relationships, music, nature, art, fashion….. all seemingly unrelated, but I find connections to everything and everyone….

Travel allows me to soak up international cultures… always ready with an open mind and heart to integrate the lessons. The journey within facilitated the removal of the blindfolds that prevented me from experiencing any joy….. I opened my eyes to a glorious world that I never knew existed….

This blog is about my path of evolution….. sometimes stuck, but always living in my truth in the moment.

Living Authentically.


29 Responses to About me/blog

  1. Kareen says:

    I like how your write with such honesty and sincerity:)

  2. I saw your Ampelmännchen (Ampel Man) avatar and decided to pay you a visit. (I visited Berlin last year and found out about the little guy while I was there.) I like your stuff.

  3. Maya says:

    We have a lot in common! I am thoroughly enjoying your honesty. It’s so refreshing! Hello from a fellow Brooklynite!

  4. You write, think and love beautifully and honestly. Thanks for being so open.

  5. jadedapothecary says:

    Hi there! In order to share the joy of being nominated myself, I’m nominating you for the Liebster Award, which is intended to recognize up-and-coming blogs, particularly those with less than 200 followers. Visit my blog for all the details, and congratulations!

  6. jjbegonia says:

    Thank You for visiting my blog. Your writing is beautiful and relatable. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Awesome! Thanks for checking out my blog; I like your style. 🙂

  8. lovinchelle says:

    I just nominated you for the dragon loyalty award info is on my blog

  9. Wonderful, wonderful!!!!!!

  10. Charlotte Hayes says:

    I just moved to NYC! Excited to read more 🙂

    <3, Charlotte

  11. Pingback: A(warded) by way of Z(ee). | Simple Heart Girl

  12. jackiemhenry says:

    Hello, it is lovely to connect with you and read your thoughts on the amazing times we live in.

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